Signs That You Should Turn Down a Job Offer

Everyone agrees that looking for a job can be nerve-wracking. The longer it takes to land a job, the more desperate you might get to accept any offer. After all, bills don’t take breaks. Yet, while accepting a job offer might seem like a quick fix to your financial problems, it can also set you back in your career. Before signing and accepting your next job offer, it is important to make sure that the opportunity not only pays you the salary that you are worth on the market but also opens doors to long-term career success. Luckily there are very noticeable red flags that you might notice during the job offer process that will let you know if a job is not worth accepting. Here are the top 5 signs that you should turn down a job offer. 

  1. The hiring process was all over the place 

During the interview process, you will get to know the company as much as they will get to know you as a professional. Unprepared interviewers, lack of enthusiasm for the role, and uninformed interview cancellations are all red flags that the company is not organized or that it does not care about filling up the position. If you find yourself constantly showing up to interviews and not being greeted by anyone, the interviewers can’t seem to remember you, or your interviews constantly get cut short, you probably should not accept a job offer as these behaviors will continue throughout your time within the company. 

Keep in mind that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the hiring process and many interviews take place online. Last-minute video interview cancellations are common these days because of their reliance on technology and internet connectivity. In this case, if the interviewers contact you and apologize for not showing up, you can rest assured that their absence is not a red flag. 

  1. The offer letter does not reflect what was offered in your interview 

Perhaps the salary does not match the amount that was agreed on the interview, maybe the offer letter says to show up to the office periodically instead of fully remote, or instead of sporadically it says frequent travel is required. Any differences between the agreements that took place in your job interview and the offer letter should be a call for concern. Before you sign an offer letter make sure you call the employer and inform them of any differences from what was previously agreed; and if you are told that the offer letter will not be changed, you might not want to accept it. 

  1. The Salary is too low 

This is hopefully not an issue unless the offer letter does not reflect the salary that was agreed upon during the interviews. Before you discuss salary, make sure you have done your research and have knowledge of the salary expectations within your field and regional area. If the salary offered is considerably lower than the standard within your field, it could mean that the company does not respect the professional value of the role. If you need help researching your industry’s salary read our blog on “How to answer, What are your salary expectations?” to learn more. 

  1. Everyone is quitting 

Depending on the industry the turnover rate varies. It is sometimes hard to know if the turnover of a company is average, low, or high. Instead, base your research on the reasons why employees leave the company. Look at reviews from previous employees on websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Google and see what people have to say. It is important to take into consideration that some employees may leave negative reviews that do not accurately reflect a company’s standing depending on the terms that they left their roles. In this case, make sure you listen to the majority of reviews to get a more accurate idea of the company’s culture. 

Another way to spot this red flag is by researching the frequency that the role opens. Does the company post this job every couple of months?  If so, this can be a sign that everyone that accepts this position ends up quitting immediately. 

  1. The position does not align with your career goals 

Any job that you take should help you be a better professional and grow in your career. Ask yourself the following questions: 

  1. Are there opportunities for growth within the company? 
  2. Will I learn new skills in this position? 
  3. Will I make strong contacts within my industry? 
  4. Will this job help me strengthen my portfolio? 

If you can’t answer yes to any of these questions, then probably this job is not adding any value to your career journey. Above all, have your career goals and desired success in mind before making the decision of accepting a job offer. 

It is always tempting to quickly accept any opportunity after a long job search, but a hasty decision is never wise. Before accepting any job offer keep in mind the salary, culture, and your career goals. Remember, your career is a big part of who you are. Don’t you want to see it succeed? We do. 

If you need help finding the right job for you, start by checking the roles we have open here, or send us your resume at Our recruiters would love to help you take the next step in your career. 


Written by

Jose Caceres

Marketing Manager

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