Unveiling the Wellbeing Crisis: Strategies to Reverse the Decline

In a previous white-paper we talked about how workforce wellbeing can spread exponentially and commonly results in quiet quitting.  Many employees are experiencing declining levels of health and wellbeing, while executives seem to be oblivious to this reality. A recent report by Deloitte Insight revealed a stark contrast between employees’ self-reported health and executives’ perception of their workforce’s health.

So What Does this Mean For Your Business?

According to the report, a significant majority of employees stated that their health either worsened or remained the same over the past year. Surprisingly though, more than three-quarters of executives believed that their workforce’s health had improved. This disconnect between perception and reality highlights a critical issue within organizations – executives are not adequately assessing the wellbeing of their employees.

This lack of awareness is detrimental to both employees and the overall success of the company. When employees’ wellbeing declines, it not only affects their physical and mental health but also their productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction. Unaddressed workforce issues such as this often lead to a phenomenon known as “quiet quitting,” where employees become disengaged, disenchanted, and ultimately leave the organization without making their grievances known.

How Does This Impact Performance?

It is very easy to see that a business is only as good as its workforce, and as workplace wellbeing begins to decline, it isn’t going to stop at just one person.  A workforce’s wellbeing goes way beyond individual health, it can directly influence organizational performance, productivity, and profitability.

When a workforce has a declining wellbeing, you can expect the following:

  • High turnover rates and recruitment costs: As wellbeing declines it will spread like wildfire to other employees, resulting in possible quiet quitting, as they seek employment elsewhere. This will result in significant recruitment costs and disrupt team dynamics.
  • Decreased Productivity/Engagement: When employees aren’t happy they’ll experience burnout and begin to show this within their work. They may struggle to focus, meet deadlines, and lack their previous performance capabilities.
  • Negative Impacts on Teamwork and Collaboration: Issues with one employee’s wellbeing will either transfer to or frustrate other employees. This is why it spreads at a very high rate.
  • Customer Dissatisfaction and Loss of Business: If the burnt-out employee is one who communicates with customers in any way, there is a good chance they’ve begun caring less about how the business is portrayed to those outside. This can not only cause them to not meet customer expectations, it also may result in a negative word of mouth, causing more and more customers to seek business elsewhere. In today’s interconnected world, word spreads very quickly, impacting the perception of the organization among talent, partners, clients, and the wider community.
  • Missed Opportunities for Innovation and Growth: Finally, an employee’s creativity levels rely heavily on their mental health. This means if they aren’t feeling their best, their work will certainly reflect it.

When employees are well supported, they are far more likely to prioritize creativity and collaboration, thus effectively building on their peer’s ideas as well. By understanding and addressing the key issues that arise from poor workforce health, organizations can develop strategies and initiatives to curb the many issues that may arise.

Forms of Prevention

To address this pressing issue, it is essential for organizations to take proactive steps to improve workforce health. Here are some actionable strategies that can be implemented:

  • Foster a culture of wellbeing: Create a work environment that prioritizes and promotes employee wellbeing. Encourage open communication, provide resources for mental and physical health, and establish policies that support work-life balance.
  • Conduct regular wellbeing assessments: Implement regular surveys or assessments to gauge employee wellbeing accurately. This will help identify areas of improvement and allow for targeted interventions to address specific challenges.
  • Provide access to wellness programs: Offer comprehensive wellness programs that encompass physical fitness, mental health support, stress management, and nutrition. Encourage employees to participate and make these programs easily accessible.
  • Support work-life integration: Recognize the importance of work-life integration and provide flexible working arrangements whenever possible. This includes options for remote work, flexible hours, and family-friendly policies.
  • Encourage breaks and time off: Promote the importance of taking breaks and vacations to recharge and rejuvenate. Discourage overworking and create a culture that values rest and recovery.
  • Invest in employee development: Provide opportunities for professional growth and skill development. This not only enhances job satisfaction but also demonstrates a commitment to the wellbeing of employees.
  • Lead by example: Executives and leaders should prioritize their own wellbeing and model healthy behaviors. This sets the tone for the organization and encourages employees to do the same.


By implementing these strategies, organizations can take significant strides towards improving workforce wellbeing. It is crucial for executives to recognize the reality of declining wellbeing and take proactive measures to address the issue. Prioritizing employee wellbeing not only fosters a healthier and happier workforce but also leads to increased productivity, engagement, and ultimately, the overall success of the company.

How Can A Recruiting Firm Help?

A recruiting firm can play a vital role in improving workforce wellbeing by incorporating vital considerations into their recruitment and talent acquisition processes. Here are some ways in which a recruiting firm can help:

  • Candidate assessment: ISGF assesses candidates not only based on their qualifications and skills but also their fit with the company’s culture and values, including wellbeing. By identifying candidates who prioritize their wellbeing and demonstrate resilience, adaptability, and work-life balance, the recruiting firm can help ensure a better match between the candidate and the organization.
  • Promote wellbeing-focused organizations: A recruiting firm can actively seek out and partner with organizations that prioritize employee wellbeing. By promoting these organizations and highlighting their wellbeing initiatives, the recruiting firm can attract candidates who value and seek a work environment that prioritizes their wellbeing.
  • Monitor employee satisfaction: After successfully placing candidates within organizations, a recruiting firm can periodically check in with both the employer and placements to monitor their satisfaction levels and wellbeing. This feedback can help identify any issues or areas for improvement, or even allow us to begin seeking other candidates to potentially fill a role if we feel quitting may occur.

By incorporating wellbeing considerations into their recruitment processes and actively promoting organizations that prioritize employee wellbeing, a recruiting firm can contribute to creating a healthier and more supportive work environment. Through education, resources, and ongoing monitoring, the recruiting firm can play a proactive role in enhancing workforce wellbeing and helping their clients attract and retain talent that aligns with a wellbeing-focused culture.

Written By

Wesley Stevenson

Marketing Contributor

Check out our similar white-paper on the topic of quiet quitting!

Silent Resignations: How Recruiting Firms Can Help Companies Combat Quiet Quitting